Friday, January 28, 2011
Juliani Cardenas
Juliani was last seen on January 18, 2011. He was allegedly abducted by Jose Rodriguez. A felony warrant for Kidnapping was issued for Jose on January 19, 2011. They may travel to San Jose, California. They may be traveling in a silver Toyota Corolla with California license plates, 6HBW445, similar to the one shown. The vehicle has 18-inch aluminum wheels, except for the right front one, which is a spare tire
Spongebob Legends of Bikini Bottom
Spongebob Legends of Bikini Bottom There are two kinds of parents in this world: Those who love “SpongeBob SquarePants” and those who wish he’d just dry up and blow away already. Good news for the former: Tonight marked the first of five new episodes, but if you or your children missed out (I know my daughter was already in bed), we’ve got you covered. You can watch “SpongeBob Legends of Bikini Bottom” online. Click on to watch “SpongeBob Legends of Bikini Bottom: Trenchbillies” and share your favorite part
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Traffic Washington DC
Traffic Washington DC While visiting family in South Carolina I decided to do a drop in at my old shop WIS-TV. It was like a big reunion. I got to see my former desk mate Dawndy who showered baby Adora with the most precious little outfit. It was so awesome seeing old work pals and sharing the new headline of my life- the baby! You know you’ve got true friends when you conveniently show up an hour before stories and anchors gotta be on-air and everyone stops to hug it out despite it being crunch time.
Malo Sit down, kids. I have a story to tell. There once was a big baseball star in a funky little media market who turned a few successful years in his twenties into an industry-shaking seven year, $126 million contract. Things went south, and the star became a former star. He settled into a performance that, at best, showed flashes of his former wonderfulness, and at worst, became the kind of situation that makes pollyanna optimists reach for excuses like, "Well, at least he's out there every day; there's something to be said for showing up to work in the morning," as if a lunch box and a pair of cleats were something to stand up for and applaud.
Abercrombie Birth Certificate
It’s the case of the missing birth certificate…. it seems the powers that be just can’t seem to make up their minds whether President Obama has a birth certificate on file with the state of Hawaii!
For years a question mark has been around over the birth of Barack Obama. The question of his birth got a bit murkier earlier today when rumors swirled that the Governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie, had said that he had been unable to find any record of Obama’s birth anywhere in the state of Hawaii. Now late this afternoon, the dude who started the whole controversy is back-pedalling on his remarks and pleading his own ignorance.
PS3 Update 3.56
PS3 Update 3.56 According to VP of Network Operations Americas Eric Lempel via Sony's official blog on the update, to quote: "A new PS3 system software update, v3.56, will be released soon. This is a minor update that adds a security patch."
Needless to say, if you value PS3 homebrew, Jailbreaking downgrading or accessing PSN on a hacked PS3 it would probably be wise to hold off updating until PlayStation 3 developers can examine the 3.56 update.
Red Jacket Firearms
Red Jacket Firearms THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL, A CABLE/SATELLITE TV station provides a wide variety of unique programming that seems to be popular in firehouses during the evenings. One of their older shows that is no longer being produced, but still seen in reruns occasionally, How They Make It never gets old. Cash Cab and Dirty Jobs seem to be popular with firefighters and EMT’s, too. And I sure can’t leave outMythbusters. That one seems perfect for a quick look between calls.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Earmarks President Obama is vowing to veto any bill with earmarks in the State of the Union speech to be delivered at 9:00pm Tuesday, according to his prepared remarks.
“Both parties in Congress should know this: if a bill comes to my desk with earmarks inside, I will veto it,” the speech says.
State of the Union Live
State of the Union Live Presidents use the speech to give their vision for where America should go. They make all sorts of promises. They don’t keep them. My favorite quote from a State of the Union speech was from President Clinton in 1996: “The era of big government is over.”
Solar Shingles
Solar Shingles The good news: Barack Obama delivered a powerful StatAnd he acknowledged a fundamental truth: advances in clean energy “will only translate into clean energy jobs if businesses know there will be a market for what they’re selling.” Research and development by itself is ineffectual — hence the need for the standard.e of the Union speech advocating an aggressive clean energy strategy (text here).
Race to the To
Race to the Top Let's also remember that afterparents, the biggest impact on a child's success comes from the man or woman at the front of the classroom. In South Korea,teachers are known as"nation builders." Here in America, it's time we treated the people who educate our children with the same level ofrespect. We want to reward good teachers and stop making excuses for bad ones. And over the next ten years, with so many Baby Boomers retiring from our classrooms, we want to prepare 100,000
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Mikhail Prokhorov
Mikhail Prokhorov “I’m not happy with the way … this deal has gone until now,” Prokhorov said. “It has taken too long. It has been played out in public and it certainly has taken a toll on the players and I believe that it has cost us several games. I think management did a great job, but there comes a time when the price is simply too expensive. I’m instructing our team to walk away from the deal.”
The Nets have lost six
Lee Dewyze
Lee Dewyze Everything about this weekend’s epic Chicago Bears home game against the Green Bay Packers seems to be hotly contested, all the way down to the singer of the National Anthem. But after some wrangling, America’s latest Idol will be taking a back seat to Chicago’s favorite son.
Anne Hathaway Catwoman
Out of almost nowhere, Warner Bros decides to drop some confirmation on two major roles in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises. The nice was announced in a press release and apparently the two roles cast today are roles no one expected. First, Anne Hathaway has been cast as Selin
Ali Sonoma
Ali Sonoma On October 3rd and 4th, Colorado SuperShoots will have a workshop featuring UFC Ring Girl and Internationally published cover model Ali Sonoma!
FFIV I am usually cautious around earnings season since the bipolar knee jerk reactions to a company based on 90 days of business and/or a few phrases on future guidance, are not something I like to be whipsawed with. But the past few weeks I wrote quite a few times this earnings season isespecially fraught with danger. Many stocks have run up since their last earnings report without pause, to the tune of 30, 40, 50%, and valuations have gone ballistic
The American Idol 2011
The American Idol 2011 premiere features auditions in New Jersey and New York. Check back at TV Crunch for an American Idol 2011 premiere recap and video!
Morty Coyle
Morty Coyle "I was glad that everybody was there," she says. "People videotaped it, it was great. My friend decorated the whole place with little diamonds on the table."
El Camino Real High School
El Camino Real High School A school police officer was shot by a suspected car burglar near a San Fernando Valley high school Wednesday but his bulletproof vest saved him, authorities said. Officers swept a wide area, locking down nine schools in a dragnet for the shooter.
Tiffany Evans - I'll Be There
This is the lead single off of her upcoming second album. In its original version, it is an uplifting, powerful song. Tiffany delivers a superb vocal performance on this one. The midtempo ballad is transformed for the dancefloor by remixers DJ Escape & Tony Coluccio, Karmatronic, and Wawa. Escape and Coluccio turn the song into a melodic big room anthem.
Deepest Diving Sea Turtle
February 2, 2009, at 4 am, turtles are known as Tika off the coast of Gabon, West Africa. She spent almost six months sailing across the Atlantic, 5000 miles (8.000 km) journey to the shores of South America. At the moment it is probably somewhere in Brazil, there are jellyfish and building himself up. Around March next year, it will begin its journey back to Africa
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
US Map
Andy Roddick Wife
Andy Roddick Wife “’Just Go With It’ has just wrapped and it’s definitely the most exciting thing I’ve done. It was a big first for me. It really opened up a whole new field for me to go into, and I just felt really lucky to go to work on such a big movie. It was really cool to be a part of that and learn the process of acting.”
Bob Newhart
The legendary Bob Newhart took an unexpected role on Tuesday as “NCIS” as Dr. Walter Magnus preceding character David McCallum, Ducky, as chief medical examiner for the service. 81-year Newhart, which we used to see in comic plays, was seen in another light that Magnus, an older doctor who revisits his former workplace to try to quickly refresh his memory failing.
The Game Season 4 Episode 2
Last week “The Game” returned to BET to absolutely huge ratings — shows how much we all missed this show about pro football players and their wives/girlfriends/mistresses! Tonight “The Game” season 4 episode 2 airs tonight, and we’ve got the video in case you can’t watch it live. Click on to watch “The Game” season 4 episode 2 online. Can you see Tia Mowry’s baby bump yet?
Lucky Charms
Lucky Charms This is the Dummy Charm, which stands for Dope Underestimated Money Making Youngster. The Dummy Charm features a Multi-Colored design which the beads colors are red, blue, green, and pink. Which is avialable with a Silver or Gold Skeleton Charm the vibrant colors and great feel compliments any outfit!
Who is on the Dime
Life Unexpected Cancelled
Life Unexpected Cancelled Tonight was the series finale of Life Unexpected. It was a cute show, but the female leads tending to be on the ultra annoying side so I could see why the viewers were irritated to death and the show got the axe.
I would wrap up the entire 2 hour finale...except it would just take up too much space. So I will tell you that in the last 15 minutes of the show they jump ahead 2 years and you get to see who ends up with whom. So here it goes.
How Many States Touch the Pacific Ocean
How Many States Touch the Pacific Ocean
After the French and the Dutch “no”, I think thatthe European unification process is not definitely blocked but it is only one phase in the process. Formany historical reasons Europe was built from top to bottom, thanks to the efforts and decisions of some remarkable statesmen
Big Mac Ingredients
Big Mac Ingredients The Cavaliers found out Tuesday what it’s like to lose by a franchise-record 55 points, falling 112-57 to the defending NBA champion Los Angeles Lakers.