One of Warren Buffett's superstar execs and his reinsurance guru, Ajit Jain, has just shelled out $14.65 million for an amazing new pad at One Beacon Court in midtown Manhattan -- aka The Bloomberg Tower
One of Warren Buffett's superstar execs and his reinsurance guru, Ajit Jain, has just shelled out $14.65 million for an amazing new pad at One Beacon Court in midtown Manhattan -- aka The Bloomberg Tower
The ICC World Twenty20 is the international championship of Twenty20 cricket. The event is organised by the sport's governing body, the International Cricket Council (ICC). The tournament consists of 12 teams and is contested by all Test-playing nations plus qualifiers.
Yep. When Sheen called into ‘The Alex Jones Show’ this morning, he said the founding father is a [insert euphemism for kitty cat here], A.A. is a “cult,” and Lorre is a “clown.”
The Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) is the most important event in the Ubuntu calendar. It is where we get together to discuss, design, and plan the next version of Ubuntu; in this case the Ubuntu 11.10 release.
In one of those rare cases of good science translating directly into good medicine, Vertex Pharmaceuticals yesterday unveiled positive results from a Phase III trial of VX-770, a small molecule that treats the underlying defect of cystic fibrosis.
Sri Lanka accept never baffled Pakistan in six World Cup matches, admitting the two haven’t met in the antagonism back 1992. One added ambiguous will yield Sangakkara’s account to eight, affective advanced of Adam Gilchrist and Moin Khan, with whom he accepted shares the almanac for a lot of stumpings.
Rihanna and Ciara have become involved in a Twitter beef. The young hot R&B stars exchanged words directing disses by name in one another’s tweets. It all started with Ciara on Joan Rivers where she said “Rihanna used to be so nice. I just saw her and she wasn’t the nicest” Rihanna immediately took to Twitter to respond:
In the third edition of UFC president Dana White’s UFC 127 video blog, he takes us behind the scenes of the weigh-ins in Sydney.
White often has to step between fighters when the square off after weighing in, but he and UFC caretaker Burt Watson actually had to restrain Michael Bisping and Jorge Rivera before a packed house at the weigh-in.
Watch the Star Cricket Live Streaming Online Free of the Telecast of ICC world cup 2011 on The World Cup has grown as a media event with each tournament. International Cricket Council has sold the rights for broadcasting of 2011 Cricket World Cup for around US$ 2 Billion to ESPN Star Sports and Star Cricket. The tournament would be broadcast all around the world in about 220 countries.
*For All final year students and passed outstudents only (THOSE WHO ARE COMPLETING THEIR COURSE IN APRIL 2011): These students can apply for Paper Revaluation (only for Theory subjects) . There is no minimum marks requirement to apply for Revaluation.
Authorities scrambled to airlift hospital patients from the path of a cyclone roaring toward waterlogged northeastern Australia and urged low-lying communities to evacuate because of potentially deadly flash floods.
Cyclone Yasi was expected to slam into the coast of Queensland state Wednesday as a Category 4 storm and dump up to three feet (one meter) of rain on communities already saturated from months of flooding.
Indiana State Police Senior Trooper Chris Noone, Pendleton Post, has been issued a 2010 Dodge Charger patrol car. The Dodge Chargers were issued to the 2008 Indiana State Troopers of the Year from each state police district. Lt. Bob Burke, Commander of the Pendleton Post stated, “Senior Trooper Noone is very deserving of being named Trooper of the Year for the Pendleton Post.”
Did the Groundhog see his Shadow 2011
Punxsutawney phil We need all the reasons we can to reach out to our friends and loved ones, and let them know we are thinking of them. This is a cute way to do so, and for no compelling reason at all, other than the fact that we want to let these people know we are thinking of them. And not to mention that Groundhog Day with Bill Murray was one of my favorite movies of all time, too,” commented Wayne Irving, IconoPublishsys CE
No matter what the occasion, Someecards undoubtedly has a card to match it. Sure, they cover all the big holidays like Christmas and Hanukkah and birthdays, but they've even got Groundhog Day covered. We don't know what Punxatawny Phil is going to see today, but whatever the outcome, you can still send one of these funny Groundhog Day cards to your friends. Check out our favorite Groundhog Day Someecards below, and don't forget to check their site for all your other random holiday needs.
Groundhog Day is just about here, and while it may not be the best way to predict how the remainder of winter may go it is indeed, a tradition that many take part in every year. The folks at Iconosys have whipped up a little app for the occasion that basically just serves as a reminder to reach out to your friends and family more often.
These are stressful times. What with all the bombing attempts, the arrival of 4G, holiday shopping scroogery, the new Facebook profile, and whoever keeps outbidding me for Your Face on Every Page of the Mercury (I will have my revenge!), I am WOUND UP, MAN. And now I can't even blow off some steam by saying "Hasta la vista, Buttfuckers!" anymore.
Scrapple Watch Dirty Jobs Season 7 Episode 5 – Scrapple Maker Online. This is good news to all Dirty Jobs fans because you're all time favorite TV series is now here with their brand new episode which is entitled "Scrapple Maker". This new episode will be schedule to hits online this coming Monday February 1, 2011. So, don't ever fail to watch this episode.
A recent Daily Camera article (‘Boulder’s Chautauqua looks ahead to 2020’, 1/28/11) called attention to the parking and other overuse-related problems at Chautauqua. Given the overcrowding, and its mission of ‘Ensuring Chautauqua’s Sustainable Future,’ it’s baffling that the Colorado Chautauqua Association (CCA) is planning a 7,000 square foot (!) conference center next to the Chautauqua Auditorium. (Source: CCA’s 2020 plan at
Three people were arrested for stealing an antique violin worth nearly $2 million from an internationally acclaimed musician while she stopped for a snack at a London sandwich bar, the Associated Press reported on Friday. The South Korean violinist Min-Jin Kym was eating at a sandwich shop outside Euston Station on Nov. 29 when she noticed that her black violin case
Late last year Kim Kardashian took her clothes off for W Magazine for their “Art Issue,” and the W shoot was featured on the new episode of Kourtney and Kim Take New York.”
Kim Kardashian was seen with nothing but some text bars covering her “assets” on the cover but in the feature inside she was totally naked, except for one thing -silver paint.
This buxom Kardashian showed off her boobs and butt in what was considered in a “art” context. It was the “Art Issue. ” But just before Kim Kardashian was upset that Playboy was going to release naked photos from her photo session she did with the men’s mag. So is she going to regret these photos too?
If you’ve been following the news coming out of Egypt the past few days, you know that Internet access in the protest-filled nation has been severely limited. As of today, according to Computerworld, “Egypt is now off the grid.” They write, “Four days after the Egyptian government ordered Internet service providers to disconnect from the Internet, the country’s last working Internet company has abruptly vanished from cyberspace.”
Back in October, a less ecall outonal Kardashian told "Extra," "uniquethat they wanted me spikyeir art and so onue was such an honor, and I'mblockedad the final product was am
Visit the Milk and Honey Shoes website if you want your shoes customized to your own taste. How will it work? Go to their “design now” page and click through the various different toe shapes (round, pointy, peep, etc.), heel backs (sling backs, closed backs), heel height (height preference, platforms preference) ankle straps (Mary Jane, around the ankle, etc) to create the silhouette of the exact shoe you want.