Saturday, June 18, 2011



Here is his Wiki biography page with data, for more information about these National Republican Minnesota representative took the view in the House on January 3, 2007.
Let's take a quick look to their home planets to see if a strange vibes are involved before they won the Presidency of the United States (just kidding!) But born with contacts with natal horoscope of United States, contacts in the past good victories of presidential candidates: the degree area 23-29 Leo/Aquarius ' with ' in the United States on July 4, 1776 Moon (US-people.)


It is now home Moon Bachmann, especially if in Aquarium, against her Rx of Jupiter-combination Plutón Rx striking I read that, and then click questions of relationships and emotions as recurring themes in his life points.
If the ORB makes close to the trio an interesting focal point suitable image that seems ...
Jupiter/Pluto = Moon: the ability to limit the influence of the mass or the public through an appeal to the emotions; a desire to social changes or improvements; a good psychologist.
Born in Waterloo, Iowa, on April 6, 1956, Michele Bachmann, the Sun in Aries Moon in Aquarius (unless he is born between 10: 38 pm and midnight, IE.) Most likely-and their independent indicates that the mix of personality an air of Aquarius Sun Moon Fire Aries-más instead of ensoñador, sensitive PISCES moon.
Indeed, integration to each combined images can give us clues so that we can now check:


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