Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic
GE and clinic announce today that the recipients of a five-year plan, grant to study and a scanner of brain MRI dedicated to the image of a wide range of neurological and psychiatric disorders, including stroke, depression and autism research 5.7 million dollars to develop.

Mayo Clinic

"A system of smaller, lighter, MRI head-only dedicated would be a big positive impact on the field of Psychiatry," said Steve Williams, head of the Department of neuroimaging at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, in a press release. "During the last ten years, brain research images greatly improved our understanding of mental illness." "The establishment of a Special Commission, head-only MRI System take our clinical application to the next level."
The idea is on the current approach where a whole body MRI Imaging to improve. A dedicated brain scanner not only improves functionality of neurological images, but you can also break the size Analyzer (for about one-third), weight and costs that can fit and allowing small hospitals in the community

Mayo Clinic

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Mayo Clinic

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