Thursday, June 16, 2011

Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation
Here is the text of the Federal prohibition of female genital mutilation, together with the factual findings:
(a) unless otherwise required under subsection (b), who knowingly circumcises, taxes or infibulates all or part of the labia minora or labia or clitoris of another person who is not the age of 18 years a fine under this title or of not more than 5 years, or both taken prisoner.
(b) a surgical procedure is not a violation of this section if the operation:
(1) needed for the health of the person who is running and it is performed by a person licensed in the place of his performance as a doctor; o

Female Genital Mutilation

(2) to a person in the employment and that it has given birth and medical purposes in connection with the work or the birth is made by a person with a permit in place that is run as a physician, midwife or a person in the formation of such a doctor or a midwife.
(c) in applying subsection (1, are not taken into account the consequences for the person making the transaction which will be held in all faith of that person, or any other person, which as a matter of habit and ritual.)
[Conclusions:] The Congress finds that-
(1) the practice of female genital mutilation is carried out by members of certain religious and cultural groups within the United States;
(2) the practice of female genital mutilation often has led to the emergence of the physical and psychological health consequences that could be harmful to women;
(3) such mutilation violates the guarantees of the rights protected by the Federal and the State, the rule of law and constitutional law;
(4) the special circumstances of the practice of female genital mutilation placed outside the ability of a country or the control of the local authority;
(5) the practice of female genital mutilation be banned without limiting the exercise of the rights guaranteed by the first amendment to the Constitution or in any other law; and
(6) affirming the Congress has the power under section 8 of the necessary and proper clause, article I, section 5 of the fourteenth amendment, as well as under the clause of the Treaty, the Constitution to enact laws.

Female Genital Mutilation

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Female Genital Mutilation

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