Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Electron Cloud

Electron Cloud

Electron Cloud
The technology is like stealing fire from the gods, which is an interpretation of the metaphor of theft of firearms in the mythology, particularly the story of Prometheus, but never pleased because it is fragmentary, and the second looking, freezes, the collapse of the wave function. So we want to have more space and was never filled the void. Part of the symbolism of the cross is that it gives the horizontal bar in the gap between the conscious and unconscious logic and emotion, and have relationships are inversely proportional. More "alive" that logic, the Dragon destroys the Ego grows and the unconscious energies, spontaneity is also deleted.

Electron Cloud

But an important step in the "marriage of heaven and hell" developed in the early 20th century with the discovery of the theory of relativity, an expansion of the universe, and of quantum mechanics Hubble observations. Overthrow of determinism, "" the prevailing theory at the beginning of the century, these discoveries and validation gave birth to the majority of the "magical" things in our lives today: radio, TV, computers, internet, and on and on all the wonders of the mysterious world of decisions of own Planck length known, felt and done in our "macro" aware of the everyday world. It is a way that the boundaries of the horizontal plane and the barrier starts to become of the winding-up.

Electron Cloud

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