Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mental Model

Mental Model

Mental Model
Suppose high trapped in a mountain during a storm of snow or float in the sea in the life of a ship for weeks. Is there a way to their chances of survival increase? In fact, the investigation sobre why some individuals and groups of this kind of disaster that not survive while others point out the possibility that the "mental model" to adapt to the new realities of an extreme situation is an essential skill of survival.

Mental Model

Author on survival deep, Laurence Gonzales writes: "allen who dies of confusion dies". The deadly confusion begins with bad mental model that does not reflect the reality, but serves as the basis for the action. The people in survival situations separates the possibility of a successful companies often accurate mental model of the organizations that do not survive

Mental Model

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Mental Model
    pratigya 14th june 2011
      ppd mersing

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