Friday, June 17, 2011

Watch Mr Popper

Watch Mr Popper

Watch Mr Popper
"Green Lantern": I like Ryan Reynolds as an actor. Even me as a superhero, but it was less charismatic and energetic than I am in my super heroes. But it was not so impressed by this film, which was somewhat disorganized and had a weak story. It was good and better than some of the other recent superhero movies I've seen recently. But it was not great.

Watch Mr Popper

I loved certain scenes, such as the scene in which Reynolds: induction pre-superhero-is a fighter pilot who fights in the air against two aircraft operated by the team. It is a fever. But other parts were just plain stupid, such as a scene of lively old, old ' wise men ' (women) and are on top of columns with long robes of 500 metres that was ridiculous, but not intentionally. He laughed out loud. Peter Sarsgaard as the son of Tim Robbins is also not buy.
And part of the story was not nonsense and silly. In the scenes of principle seems to be an intergalactic struggle between different men of Green Lantern and a kind of big bad villain to a version of Sesame Street's Snuffalupagus. Then click clear display Reynolds-driver, and how he loses control of his aircraft, the loss of your company and everywhere in the city an important contract for aircraft.

Watch Mr Popper

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