Sunday, June 19, 2011



Already has a stage show planned for the Bachelor’s degree in a cabaret in Montreal, a presidential suite reserved at a five star hotel of Montreal and an intense game of paintball is organised. But it’s still looking for that idea of Bachelor’s degree from Montreal to make that absolutely blows. Well, as the man of the hour to taste by the Japanese, not to be confused with nyotaimori kitchen! After experiencing this mixture of good food, art and the beauty of the female body, no one in the group never think sushi in the same way again!


Nyotaimori, also known as body sushi or body sushi, is just how it sounds. The Group of Bachelor’s degree of Montreal will enter into a private room and occur with a naked woman adorned with sushi carefully prepared and shows with pleasure. While she is good, it will be their sticks to choose from their raw sweets and yourself to serving its soft body. The authentic Japanese dining experience, also good while dinner and even the places of interest celestial of meat eating and drinking enjoyment.


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