Friday, June 17, 2011

Beerfest Asia 2011

Beerfest Asia 2011

Beerfest Asia 2011
Beer L.A. Blast is designed to let you know the GPS readers of food what is new in the Select L.A. bars and restaurants with great beer selections. You can also use events of beer in the region discover and meet the leaders of the industry.L.A. beer explosion normally every Thursday night, in time for the weekend rush. Search in the left sidebar, Subscribe to GPS food and beer L.A. Blast e-mail.
Beer and you
This week in beer and you: a summary of the two events recent l.a. craft beer. A hoppy fruit beer is a beer of fruity jump? And another assignment of tasks of craft beer to complete in a post titled "to lose do?."

Beerfest Asia 2011

ECHO Park bar owner Elizabeth Fischbach, says, "this week in touch me Maui Cococnut Porter, Stand Atticus, Iron Fist Renegade Rubio and Oskar Blues (g) ' Knight."
Beachwood BBQ
Beachwood chef-owner Gabe Gordon currently has draught beers as rye Avery 18th birthday Saison, ballast point of Pescadero Pilsner, beer of the midnight reality Czech, Russian River Pliny the elder and Stout to the great bear Republic have. Follow the changes to the menu of 24 picking Beachwood Bbqs Cam Hop.
Beer Belly
In the crane with Jimmy and have new location: Yume taps ale sea of pale ale, El Segundo, white of Ladyface of la casa azul, La Saison Blanche and citrus craftsman pale.

Beerfest Asia 2011

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Beerfest Asia 2011

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