Sunday, June 19, 2011



Ah, my beloved Lancelot. Somehow, I knew that it would reach the final.
Now soft, old friend. Not mourn his King ... his old friend. Attoned for, is in my eyes and the eyes of the Lord, and today you made on my legacy to be. It is a tear? No, Lancelot, without tears they shed this day. For four of the seven games before losing in the table of kicker Excalibur my son Modred, and now I get revenge.
Remember, my good Knight, the last day of the recording of Camelot room was good? I was there, and you and Gwen.Kay where he spun men in a full circle and Galahad explained that he was cheating, if it did and we were laughing, laughing as brothers and sisters in our game of foosball Excalibur. Ah, would that still there, I am with my next turn.Before that for me and our divided.


But no, Lancelot. It ended. They have now reached my time of need, and it has earned a place on my side. Take this, my little white plastic Excaliball and drop them on the field and my on behalf of and the name of my Kingdom, back seven seven Modred. And when you're ready, find my Gwenevere and tell him ... ... Tell him tell him always was my Queen.Even when its beer in the playing surface continued.I move like a brick at times, than women.


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