Monday, June 20, 2011
Action plan e-Government Singapore for five years teacher seeks government services and information to people.
Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean said that Governments need to go to the wave of the digital revolution and to adjust to new trends.
Speaking at the e-Gov Global exchange on Monday, Mr Teo launched two new websites of the and mGov @ SG.
With smart phones, users can get information directly, always and everywhere.

In Singapore to smartphones to 72 percent of all mobile phones.
Mr Teo said: "the private sector is already taking advantage of this trend, and many companies are active services through websites and mobile applications pushing." "Public authorities may also mobile services to customers who wish to carry out transactions with the Government to achieve."
It is true mGov @ SG. Specially designed for easy use in a range of smartphones, the site brings together more than 40 mobile websites and applications developed by public institutions. For example, users can, check the last order of generation projects launched by HDB or plan their travel by public transport.
But such applications should not be the exclusive domain of the Government.
Mr Teo said: "today, Apple does not design and build internal applications, but provides the platform and tools for the community of very talented and motivated developers great applications for your customers." The Government of Singapore has been to see how we collectively platforms that the creation of new ideas to promote development. "
It will also be useful government data with the private sector of people through the portal

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